Thursday 14 December 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Movie Review

Rian Johnson has accomplished in making one of the most interesting and unexpected Star Wars film to date - one I haven't seen ever since The Empire Strikes Back. I am certainly ready for more. 

(Spoiler-free review - you are in safe hands!)

This is a beautifully written film, constructed brilliantly by Rian Johnson with his voice that expresses originality. I am happy to say that this is not a repeat of The Empire Strikes Back. What is incredible about The Last Jedi is how much Lucasfilm allowed Rian Johnson to question, change, and evolve the Star Wars mythology and lore we saw in the previous films. The universe of Star Wars is getting as expansive as ever, with original ideas that will become a staple of Star Wars. As Luke Skywalker said from the trailer: "This is not going to go the way you think!" It foreshadows the unexpected twists and turns that floored me emotionally, which makes it an incredible merit to the film for taking risks not taken ever since The Empire Strikes Back. It is extraordinary to see this film tread freely in the mythological territories I have never seen before, and go freely into strange directions - I have watched every Star Wars film including the old Expanded Universe. Seeing it's originality makes this film stand on its own, not only as a Star Wars film, but as a film itself. Rian Johnson's voice is felt all across the film, and it will please Star Wars fans and general moviegoers alike.

The performances were golden. It warmed my heart seeing Carrie Fisher onscreen for the last time, and is a highlight of the film. Her performance is extremely satisfying and I love her so, very much. Mark Hamill gave the performance of the lifetime - one I am positive and hoping that it will earn him an Oscar. Rian Johnson has molded Luke Skywalker into a complex character, one so memorable this is the best Luke Skywalker you will see him yet. Rey continues to shine, Kylo Ren is as complex and menacing as ever, and newcomer Rose, played brilliantly by Kelly Marie Tran, works very well with Finn, played by John Boyega.

This is a gorgeously directed film. Some shots are implanted into my mind, action and non-action alike. The action is incredible, some of the best Star Wars material I've seen, in my humble opinion. The stakes are higher than ever during the action sequences - as you care for the characters who are there. The scenery and space battles were surreal, taken straight out of concept arts, with a tinge of brilliant realism driven by Rian Johnson. I cannot think of anyone else who can helm this film, elevated by Rian Johnson's vision. This is bigger, badder, and much better than The Force Awakens, a film I love.

John Williams returns in full form by producing the best music yet. Rian Johnson's decision of implementing his editing to John William's soundtrack is a major boost that elevated the film. John Williams gave his music character, and has the magical sounds very reminiscent of the original trilogy, while also standing on its own.  

Some of the references of older films were handled beautifully and in a loving way. There are a couple that gave me a reason why I love Star Wars in the first place, and seeing it going back to full circle made me a very happy person. 


With most Star Wars films, they are not flawless. There are minor flaws:

Some characters were underwhelming, as they are not the focus of the film. Laura Dern, Benicio Del Toro, Gwendoline Christie, Andy Serkis could have been used much more, in my humble opinion. All of them were interesting characters, and I felt that as if the build up to their characters in The Force Awakens did not pay off, Supreme Leader Snoke and Captain Phasma especially.

A minor sub-plot with Finn and Rose felt unnecessary. This is a film that took risks and I absolutely respect it; however, this is one that did not work for me. Thankfully, it is not overlong, and it is sadly necessary for the film's plot. This is a sequence that cannot be removed, and I slightly lost interest, but if you wait a little longer, the film picks up once more.


I cannot stress how much I love The Last Jedi. I laughed, I cried, my head spun as I thought about some of the questions Rian Johnson implemented. This is one of the greatest cinematic experiences, a fresh one that will be talked about for a long time. I walked out initially dissatisfied as the film went into unexpected places that did not please me, taken aback by the decisions he made, but it is not meant to; Rian Johnson has made a film of its own, making the Star Wars universe richer rather than going back to the old territories in order to please fans. The more I thought about it, the cinematic brilliance begins to surface. Rian Johnson has delivered, in my opinion, his best film yet. 

Rating - 6/6  

Keep an open-mind as you watch this film; it has changed Star Wars in more ways than you think, making the future of Star Wars bright. 

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