Thanks to Chris for making that lovely announcement recently, but even so, I decided to review this recent video game that has been causing some stir, and praise. I have seen other people play it and have also played it myself, and I've got to say, it surprised me! Even so, this is just a preparation review before the "Batman (1989)" review probably coming in the next couple of weeks (or presumingly if I'm productive enough). Also, if you're wondering where "The Usual Suspects" review is, it's still in the making but I didn't continue it yet - even though it's almost finished.
Anywho, here's my review for the newly released and critically acclaimed: "Firewatch".
The Plot Overview (According to the Official Site):
"Firewatch" is a mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio.
The year is 1989.

The year is 1989.
You are a man named Henry who has retreated from your messy life to work as a fire lookout in the Wyoming wilderness. Perched atop a mountain, it's your job to find smoke and keep the wilderness safe. An especially hot, dry summer has everyone on edge. Your supervisor, a woman named Delilah, is available to you at all times over a small, handheld radio - and is your only contact with the world you've left behind.
But when something strange draws you out of your lookout tower and into the world below, you'll explore a wild and unknown environment, facing questions and making interpersonal choices that can build or destroy the only meaningful relationship you have.
The Story:

Throughout the whole game we're strengthening our relationship with our boss / supervisor Delilah, but when Henry (the player) starts discovering interesting and unusual things happening around him, he and Delilah must act fast to get to the bottom of this mystery.

The Characters:
The two main characters, Henry and Delilah are written beautifully. They are realistic and the way the dialogue flows into one another makes it sound like a proper conversation and they both are definitely the main positives of this game. Henry is voiced by Mad Men star: Rich Sommer and Delilah is voiced by Cissy Jones. Both did an excellent job in capturing the essence of their respected characters and the game itself.
The humour as well is done exceptionally good and I have to give major praise to the writers and voice actors for doing such a great job in creating such a realistic conversation and story between two characters whom both are likable and aren't the standard characters we see in a lot of stories. Even though we don't see the character's faces, just by their voices, we can already imagine how they look like - their appearance doesn't even affect or matter to this story, all that matters is the character development which "Firewatch" does ever so greatly.

The Setting:

To be honest, if you just played the game and walked around the forest already makes "Firewatch" so calming and soothing because of the lovely art style and design which not so many video games can do so.
The Conclusion:
This game is definitely worth playing, and if you don't, it's okay to watch other people play it on YouTube. The lovely scenery, the wonderfully written characters and just the tension build up makes this game extremely hard to not play the whole way through. It is short, as it's only around 4 hours long, but even still, the game does pace quickly but reasonably.
The only main problem I have with this game, which is a huge bummer, but everyone also agrees on, is that the ending is a little bland and doesn't seem as exciting or interesting as you might expect it to be. There is an alternative ending however if you want to figure that out, but either way, the ending somehow seemed rushed and the mystery just felt wasted after all the tension caused since the beginning.
Overall, I'd give this game a 9/10, and I definitely recommend you to give this little game a try!
- Yanni :)
** The "Batman" (1989) review is coming next Thursday whereas the "The Usual Suspects" (1995) review (sorry it took so long!) is coming on Sunday or Monday depending if I finish it in time.
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